Arts Principles
- The arts provide both economic and social benefits to society.
- All Australians have the right to access and participate in the arts.
- Ongoing financial support is fundamental to sustaining the arts into future generations.
- A vibrant arts sector is the responsibility of individual artists, organisations and communities. Without sufficient public funding for individual artists, small-to-medium arts organisations and regional and community arts organisations, the vitality and wellbeing of the whole sector is impacted.
- The arts must be guaranteed public funding, that is distributed at arm’s length from the government of the day. This funding model best enables new ideas, practices and fields to emerge.
- The arts should serve and be responsive to the specific cultural needs of local, regional and remote communities while existing within national and international contexts.
- The arts sector plays an indispensable role in nurturing a wider democratic and humane society. The arts offer a voice to the marginalised and disenfranchised, allowing for creativity, reflection and critique by all participants.